Saturday, November 30, 2019

Process of internationalization of Japanese manufacturing company Essay Example

Process of internationalization of Japanese manufacturing company Paper This study was written to reexamine the procedure of internationalisation of one Nipponese fabricating company in Singapore. Impacts from fiscal crisis in twelvemonth 2008 forced the group companies to exert cost-cutting steps in their planetary operations, and localisation is the lone manner to salvage costs and to maximise the use of local expertness and reactivity to run into planetary competition. The reappraisal focuses on several front-end facets of international HRM activities during the procedure of internationalisation. Literature reappraisal on the subjects of strategic IHRM, staffing systems, cultural differences and expatriate choices were studied and compared with the current organisation construction and its HR direction attacks and patterns. Issues and jobs arises from expatriate assignments were reviewed for future development. Comprehensive rating activities and countries of betterment were recommended for the company to jump frontward. 1. Strategic Human Resources Management in International Context We will write a custom essay sample on Process of internationalization of Japanese manufacturing company specifically for you for only $16.38 $13.9/page Order now We will write a custom essay sample on Process of internationalization of Japanese manufacturing company specifically for you FOR ONLY $16.38 $13.9/page Hire Writer We will write a custom essay sample on Process of internationalization of Japanese manufacturing company specifically for you FOR ONLY $16.38 $13.9/page Hire Writer Strategy Human Resources Management ( SHRM ) is a procedure that allowed a company to convey its nucleus resources together for strategic planning, for illustration nucleus competence, nucleus procedures, cultural, construction and human resource to aline with the company scheme to accomplish its end and aims, see figure 1. Figure: 1 In the context of international field where the house operation involves in assorted states and using different national classs of work forces, the SHRM will look into broader position, for illustration in the country of six identified human resource activities in domestic context internationalisation [ Dowling P.J 2008 ] . Some of the extra international HRM s activities implemented by the HR section when Mastec progressed into internationalisation are given in Table 1. The nomenclature of employee class are such as, I ) PCN: employees born and unrecorded in parent ( place ) state ( headquarter ) , two ) HCD: employees born and raised in the host state ( where the subordinate operate, and three ) TCN: employees born in a state other than the host and parent state, were introduced into the company human resource system. The execution of the strategic IHRM depends on the phase of the company at during the procedure of internationalisation. Adler and Ghadar s theoretical account ( 1990 ) based on Vernon s life-cycle theory distinguishes three stages in the international merchandise life-cycle [ H. Scullion, 2005 ] . The first stage ( high-tech ) focuses on merchandises, research and development that stressing on proficient competence and function of functional country. The 2nd stage ( growing and internationalisation ) concentrates on concern growing and market incursion in local and foreign state. The 3rd stage ( adulthood ) put force per unit area on the lower monetary value and cost-control steps due to planetary competition. In the modern engineering universe, merchandise life-cycle has been shortened to 3~5 old ages, which allowed Adler and Ghader to propose a 4th stage. The 4th stage accent that a house must prosecute distinction and planetary integrating in order to accomplish cost-contro l steps. This is the chief ground for headquarter in Japan to reorganise the concern construction in Southeast Asia. The parent company has seen the adulthood of the market in Southeast which triggered their determination to implement cost-control steps. However, item examines at each of the subordinate shown that there are mixture of stages which the subordinates are sing. For illustration, Vietnam and India are in the first stage which focuses on merchandises and developing proficient competence. Human Resource Activities International Human Resource Activities Human resource planning administrative activities in foreign subordinate, cross-border hazards direction, political hazard, terrorist act and public assistance Staffing Staffing attack in subordinates in Vietnam, India, Thailand and Malaysia. Recruitment of HCNs for host-country operation, etc. Training and Development Cross-cultural preparation, linguistic communication interlingual rendition, pre-departure preparation Performance direction Evaluation of expatriate public presentation, abroad assignment ROI rating and staffs rating for foreign subordinate Compensation and Benefits Tax equalisation, abroad lodging and poster allowances, return air ticket benefits, health-care, etc. Industrial Relationship different revenue enhancement jurisprudence, conformities with host authorities policy, and conformities with general acceptable pattern of making concern. Table: 1 The other attack to strategic IHRM execution was contributed by the two logic of Evans and Lorange which suggested product-market logic and social-culture logic [ Evans A ; Lorange, 1989 ] . Both raise a inquiry how a house operates in a different merchandise markets and diverse social-culture environment, which efficaciously set up human resource policies. Product-market logic implied that assorted stages of green goods life-cycle demand different focal points of director which dictates the HR activities to concentrate on nucleus competence, entrepreneurial accomplishments and proficient know-how. Social-culture logic suggested that for a house to run in assorted counties, using people from difference social-culture backgrounds influences HR activities into supplying preparation and instruction of cultural difference. Concentrating on promoting unfastened communicating, an open-minded hearing, detering silo and easing activities that required less sentence construction will a cquire around linguistic communication and cultural different barriers [ H. Buknall, 2005 ] . The statement stressed the of import of willingness to listen, allowing the other party to clear up any uncertainty without doing self premise to accomplish effectual communicating. Since Mastec had gained the position of regional headquarter in twelvemonth 2009, the HR activities had started to look into above demand, but the execution procedure is still at a learning phases. This is the ground why merely exile from Singapore was allocated to subordinate operation in Vietnam, whereas Thailand and India still managed straight from Japan. The effectivity of current organisation construction to pull off the subordinate and how effectual it can execute its function as regional headquarter and keeping the similar degree of corporate authorities as earlier demand to be evaluated. 2. Staffing Approach and Human Resource Orientation As a house come oning toward internationalisation, direction and command go more complex due to operation in geographical scattering and multiculturalism. In leveraging those factors, the transnational house can follow centralized or decentralized attack which of all time fits the complexness of its environments. Majority of Taiwanese s MNC likes Foxconn and Acer Computer practising centralized control system. Prahalad and Doz refer centralised attack as global integrating with rigorous control and determinations doing from headquarter. Decentralized attack is more towards local responsive that gives some determination doing liberty to its subordinate in order to best modify it merchandise and services to run into local market demands [ Prahalad, 1987 ] . Typical decentralized control company is a joint venture confederations. One of a mention company which operates really successfully under decentralized system is Johnson A ; Johnson. The IHRM literature used four attacks to pull offing and staffing its subordinate, called ethnocentric, polycentric, geocentric and regiocentric [ Perlmutter, 1979 ] . Through these four types of direction orientations, companies can clearly alter from one orientation to another, depending on the demands of the company [ Mujtaba, 2006 ] . This statement was proven by the determination of headquarter to alter direction system in Southeast from pure ethnocentric to regiocentric. Detail accounts of each type of the staffing approached are given as follows: 2.1 ) Ethnocentric. Is a staffing attack where subordinates are managed by staffs from PCN. In ethnocentric attack, PCNs are dispatched to make full in cardinal place of a subordinate in host-country. The head set of direction is what work at place, will work here [ Guergana K.S. A ; Mujtaba, 2009 ] . Some of the grounds to prosecute ethnocentric direction system are deficiency of qualified personal, competence or particular proficient cognition in HCNs. The demand for centralized control, hazard direction, needs for parent-subsidiary to keep good communicating and coordination are another grounds to pattern ethnocentric direction. However, there are several restrictions associated with ethnocentric system where HCNs has limited chance for calling publicity and leads to high turnover. Adaptation of exiles to host state takes much longer clip and frequently leads to hapless determination and cross-cultural struggle may happen [ Zeira, 1976 ] . High runing cost to prolong exiles disbursals being viewed as undue by HCNs. Typical illustration of ethnocentric attack company are Nipponese houses such as Panasonic, Sony and Hitachi. In Mastec organisation, the staffing attack for subordinates in Thailand, Vietnam and India adopted ethnocentric system due to miss of competence of HCNs and the demands for corporate communicating. Most of the clients in India and Thailand are Nipponese makers, hence an exile with Nipponese linguistic communication ability to pass on with client s parent company in Japan is still critical. 2.2 ) Polycentric In polycentric staffing attack, transnational houses rely on the HCN to run the concern operation and seldom PCN are transferred to foreign subordinate. Each subordinate is treated as an independent concern entity with determination doing liberty. In some instances, PCN belief that foreign markets are excessively hard to understand and therefore a articulation venture confederation was formed. The benefits of polycentric are local subordinate has more purchase to run concern operation and accomplish fastest local response to market demand. Polycentric system allows continuity of direction by HCNs in foreign subordinate. Language barrier, cross-cultural version jobs and high resettlement cost to prolong expatriate disbursals were eliminated. The disadvantage of polycentric is bridging spread between HCNs and PCNs at headquarter due to linguistic communication barrier, conflicting of national truenesss and conformity to headquarter HRM policies. There are possible hazards of subordinat e become federation, isolated from headquarter and non prosecuting corporate concern ends [ Dowling P.J 2008 ] . In Mastec s organisation, the constitution of subordinates in Indonesia and Malaysia was under joint venture confederation and run under polycentric system. In order to keep a sensible degree of control and to supply managerial and technology support, practical assignments system was implemented with frequent concern trips to see the subordinate company by the several director. 2.3 ) Geocentric The direction manner in geocentric staffing system focuses on planetary operation to pull best endowments and resources. Each subordinate and headquarter are interdependent of each other to do alone part based on their comparative advantages. An illustration of this company is Mercedes Benz, where the company beginnings natural stuffs around the universe from the lowest-cost position and assembles their autos in Germany where the best engineering is located. The strengths of geocentric attack are transnational houses able to develop a pool of planetary executive for deployment throughout the planetary organisation. It encourages calling development and publicity of high-voltage executive regardless of nationality. However, in the procedure of roll uping wisdoms and deploying expertness globally, host authorities may step in enlisting utilizing in-migration control to promote employment of HCNs. Extensive international socialization between PCN, HCN and TCN to back up geocentric staff ing system needs centralized control which reduced independence of subordinates and the staffing determination is clip devouring. High cost associated with cross-cultural preparation, resettlement disbursals and the demand to hold compensation bundle with international criterion gives significant fiscal load to the houses. 2.4 ) Regiocentric Regiocentric staffing attack focuses at a specific geographic boundary, but used a pool of directors from the subordinates within the part. Several regional headquarter can be formed such as in Asia, Europe and Middle East which will describe to headquarter in parent state. The regional headquarter additions determination doing liberty to run their concern. HCH will be able to interact with PCN posted in the regional headquarter. Parent company is able to keep sensible conformities to headquarter HR policy and manage hazards control with PCN staffed in regional office [ Dowling P.J 2008 ] . However, there is a potency of federation at regional instead than a state footing. Career chance besides limited to regional degree and deficiency of chance for HCN or TCN to research headquarter working experience. One should retrieve that the four direction orientations are non reciprocally sole. Therefore, they can take topographic point all the clip within same organisation for its sections or merchandise lines [ Guergana K.S. A ; Mujtaba, 2009 ] . The current organisation construction of Mastec clearly showing the application of assorted direction manners within an organisation. 3. Pull offing Cultural Differences Culture can be defined as shared of beliefs, values of a group of individual, ways of thought and life [ L. Laroche, 2007 ] . It encompasses what we are taught to believe and response to any given state of affairs by the society in which we are raised. In transnational concern context that runing globally, one has to be sensitive and understand the cultural ways of making concern. An illustration is, in Nipponese civilization, some of the determination devising procedure is executed through informal progress treatment to make a consensus called nemawashi [ Jon Miller 2007 ] . Greert Hofstede has defined civilization as: Culture is more frequently a beginning of struggle than of synergism. Cultural differences are a nuisance at best and frequently a catastrophe. [ Geert Hofstedea„? Cultural Dimensions, 2009 ] The statement implied that if we have an insight position of different people behaves in different civilizations, we will be given to interact with the people in other states more efficaciously to make successful concern consequences. The Hofstede s five cultural dimensions of survey can be applied to hold broader positions of national civilization. Power Distance: Most of the states in Southeast Asia part exhibits big power distance. In such organisation, most of the power centralized in the custodies of few cardinal staffs. Subordinates have high dependence on their foremans and are improbable to near and belie with their foremans straight. Individuality: States in Southeast Asia are a assorted of individuality and Bolshevism. Thailand, Indonesia and Vietnam are more Bolshevisms due to the people from birth onwards are integrated into cohesive groups, high regard for royal household and household oriented. In Nipponese civilization, individual sentiments about do non be and employees will move harmonizing to the involvement of their group ~ the group come before single. American and Australia states exhibit high individuality where people are more self-oriented. Maleness: Refer to the societies where gender functions are clearly distinguishable. In maleness society male are supposed to be self-asserting, tough and material success oriented. Female are supposed to be more modest, stamp, submissive and concerned with quality. In Asiatic society, particularly Korean and Nipponese company, the maleness civilization is stronger, where female staffs are expected to function tea whenever there is an of import visitant. Uncertainty Avoidance: This can be defined as people tolerance toward uncertainness or ambiguity. It indicate to what widen the cultural intricate a individual to exhibit the feeling of uncomfortable and nervous in unstructured state of affairss. State of USA and UK exhibit low degree of uncertainness turning away whereas Japan and Singapore exhibit high degree of uncertainness turning away. An illustration, Japan tends to hold rigorous Torahs and processs to which their people adhered closely. Long-run Orientation: Long-run orientation versus short-run orientation. This 5th civilization is said to cover with Virtue regardless of Truth . Valuess associated with long-run orientation are thrift and doggedness and values associated with short-run orientation are regard for tradition, carry throughing societal duties, and protecting one s face . Both the positively and the negatively rated values of this dimension are found in the instructions of Confucius, the most influential Chinese philosopher who lived around 500 B.C. This dimension besides applies to states without a Confucian heritage such as Brazil. [ Hofstede, 1994, Geert Hofstedea„? Cultural Dimensions, 2009 ] Beyond the economic and political-legal issues, a state s cultural environment ( communications, faith, values and political orientations, instruction, and societal construction ) besides has an of import deductions when it comes to a company s determination about when and how to make concern at that place [ Bohlander/Snell 2007 ] . Asiatic society comprised of assorted civilizations and traditional imposts inherited from different states. It is critical for a planetary director or exile to to the full cognizant of the several civilization before going for international assignment. Some director can follow culturally appropriate behaviours, but that does non use all the clip in all cultural puting [ Dowling P.J, 2008 ] . Therefore, it is indispensable for HR to set up and facilitates cultural preparation to fit exiles with necessary accomplishments to get by with the new environment in foreign state. 4. Exiles Selection Hiring and deployment people to efficaciously execute international assignment is a important determination because failure in expatriate assignment will do immense fiscal loss, damaging a concern, and distance a dealingss between subordinate and parent company. One can reason that an expatriate failure represents a choice mistake, compounded in some instances by hapless expatriate direction [ Eugene A ; Nic, 2002 ] . Recruitment and choice is a procedure of seeking possible occupation campaigners and garnering information for the intent of measuring and make up ones minding best people for a peculiar vacancy. The factors involved in expatriate choice can be assessed from single and state of affairs facets. Individual factors are one ) proficient ability, two ) cross-culture suitableness, and three ) household demand, whereas state of affairs factors are categorized as I ) civilization or state demand, two ) linguistic communication, three ) MNE demand. Technical ability of an employee to execute the needed undertakings is the most of import consideration, given most of the ground for international assignment is to fill up place . That means, particular accomplishments and competence or of import functions will be assigned to the exile. In most of the developing state such as Vietnam and India, deficiency of HCN s staffs ability required parent company to despatch expertness to make the occupations every bit good as cognition transportation. Giving that ground, an effectual accomplishment of exile is besides of import to interpret proficient or managerial accomplishments to HCN. Cross-culture suitableness or ability to accommodate to foreign environment is important for an exile to run independently in foreign environment. The desirable properties shall include cultural empathy, adaptability, diplomatic negotiations, linguistic communication ability, positive attitude, emotionally stableness and adulthood [ Caligiuri, 2000 ] . An employee with high coping accomplishment enabled him to last and blend into local civilization. Apart from civilization ability, person s personality, communicating accomplishments and attitude to alien are besides of import factors for exile to construct up personal web in foreign state, therefore contribute to successful of international assignment. Family demand determines the ability of household members to accommodate to the new foreign environment, peculiarly partner. The duty of partner to setup new place, plus the down side emotional feeling of go forthing behind a calling, friends and societal support web may do load to an exile and affected the work public presentation. The major causes of expatriate failure are household accommodation doing premature going, hapless public presentations, lifestyle issues, work accommodation, concern clime and repatriation issues, and other chances arise. By far, the biggest factor tends to be a partner s inability to set to his or her new milieus [ Riki Takeuchi, 2002 ] . Break to kids instruction, the demand to take attention of aging parents and detention of kids for a individual parent may do the selected campaigner to reject the international assignment. In order to avoid load of draging partner, the director assigned to India is without attach toing by his partner and kids. State or cultural demand may enforce limitation to use PCN or TCN. Multinational house demand to show that HCN is non available, or supplying a preparation plan to reassign cognition to HCN before the host authorities will publish working license. An illustration is in UK, working license for Nipponese linguistic communication interlingual rendition is easy to obtain compared technology occupations. In some state, working licenses merely issued to deport where draging partner is non permitted to work, which may make accommodation jobs. Or work license merely issues to male exile ( eg. no work license for adult female exile in Middle East state ) . MNE staffing policy is another of import determination to run into company objective, for illustration cognition transportation, direction development or organisation development. The motivational of HCN, HCN s calling patterned advance and maintaining the lowest cost of concern operation besides need to be considered. However, for the ground of corporate control and the demand for particular accomplishments, staffing of PCN can non be avoided. Other situational factors are manner of operation, continuance and type of assignment and sum of cognition transportations will impact the staffing policy. The ability to talk local linguistic communication linked to the capableness to larn local civilization. Differences in linguistic communication are recognized as major barrier to effectual cross-cultural communicating. Even though, many transnational houses topographic points linguistic communication at less of import standards and they view linguistic communication as a mechanical which is manageable by single. Exiles who are able to talk local linguistic communication will be regarded as portion of the local society which make concern communicating much easier and friendlier. The other of import facet of linguistic communication is the ability to understand corporate linguistic communication. Some transnational house from non-English talking states may follow corporate communicating utilizing the linguistic communication of parent state ( eg. Nipponese or Korean ) as a standard manner of describing. Prospective campaigner may be eliminated from the possible pool due to a deficienc y of competence in the common linguistic communication [ R.Marschanp, 1999 ] . Therefore, linguistic communication ability may restrict the transnational house ability to choose the most appropriate campaigner. The demand of Nipponese linguistic communication to pass on with Nipponese clients has placed limitation of expatriate choice in India A ; Thailand. 5. Lessons Learned The determination of headquarter in Japan to alter direction system in Southeast Asia part has put great force per unit areas on Mastec s HR direction to looks beyond local context. Throughout the procedure of implementing IHRM activities, legion valuable experiences have been learned for future betterment although there is no major jobs arise. Those experiences suggested that IHRM does non merely ease and back uping concern units but plays a strategic functions to originate the planning procedure and supervising the execution throughout the organisation. The close coordination between HR section and single concern units in the execution procedure is indispensable to recognize the company expostulations. Several experiences gained are examined below for larning procedure: 5.1 ) Mis-match of outlook: Lack of cultural apprehension: It is non surprise that the cultural preparation was ignored because HR section has taken for granted that Singapore is a multicultural state. The outlook director from the HNC in term of reactivity and local staffs direction have causes conflict under seeable direction system. This had resulted the director to wing more frequently to the finish to decide the issues. 5.2 ) Lack of cultural apprehension: In India, keeping custodies between male-and-male indicate good relationship and trust of each other. However, this pattern has given a civilization daze to the Nipponese exile when a local client tried to keep his manus during the walks for tiffin after a serious concern treatment. 5.3 ) Insufficient expatriate agreements: The last proceedingss determination of choosing a campaigner for occupation assignments in Vietnam has given surprises to the partners. In order to maintain his occupation public presentation, the exile agreed on the assignment and go forth behind his sick parent to be taken attention by his partner entirely. Frequently, the exile has to return to place at his ain disbursals for going cost. 5.4 ) Lack of communicating channel: The above mentioned exile does non has communicating channel to relay his personal job to the company. Approaching straight to his foreman could be misinterpreted into demanding for excess benefits. The issue may be solved if HR could near open-minded treatment or utilizing mentoring attack. 5.5 ) Language barrier: Due to the alone communicating demand with Nipponese exile of clients and possible local campaigner for occupations assignment in Thailand and India was eliminated. This has slowed down company nonsubjective to cut down runing cost toward regiocentric direction system. 5.6 ) Lack of broader position: Due to different compensation bundle for abroad assignment between Nipponese and Singapore exile, a possible local campaigner who has Nipponese linguistic communication ability rejected the offers for occupation assignment in India. The difference of compensation particularly in hardship state has viewed as undue and less attractive by local staff. 5.7 ) Lack of cultural apprehension: A freshly expatriate Nipponese director exercises his authorization to coerce a group of employee to work during the cultural national vacation in Thailand ( Buddhist festival jubilation ) . The director has promised to his client to despatch his employees to back up production and will pay ternary wage for the over-time working hours. Without understanding the cultural pattern of spiritual jubilation in Thailand, he applied pure ethnocentric direction manner that worked good in Japan into Thailand society. That incident caused cultural struggle between that group or worker and the exile. 6. Decisions The internationalisation procedure of Mastec is still at an early phase where there are still many activities needed to set in topographic point to beef up its operation. Mastec need to look beyond its coverage of IHRM surveies in the country of preparation and development, public presentation direction of exile, direction of repatriates, sequence program, industrial relation, and human resources direction in host-country. The issues and jobs that originate could be avoided if the proper pre-departure preparations were conducted before expatriate assignment. People before Products is a doctrine of the laminitis of Panasonic Group company, Konosuke Matsushita ( 1984-1989 ) , stress on cultivating the possible ability and development of workers before concern [ Konosuke Matsushita, 2007 ] . For illustration, Samsung Electronics used internal developed Local Expert plan to develop employees to better understand the international concern environment [ Tony Michell, 2010 ] . We can besides foretell that in long tally there is possibility for parent company determination to travel toward to polycentric system in Southeast Asia part subjected to successful of current agreement. Therefore, it is important for Mastec to implement more IHRM activities in order to show its independence and capableness to pull off the regional concern. At the same clip, it is indispensable to derive regard and trust from headquarter by following strong corporate administration, cooperation and conformities to headquarter HR policies in Japan. 7. 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Tuesday, November 26, 2019

Free Essays on My Papas Waltz And Do Not Go Genle Into That Good Night

Formal Outline- Critical Analysis of Poetry I. Introduction a. Poetry conveys special messages b. Discuss the speaker and tone c. THESIS STATEMENT: The poems, â€Å"My Papa’s Waltz,† by Theodore Roethke, and â€Å"Do Not Go Gentle into That Good Night,† by Dylan Thomas, are both spoken by or refer to a male figure; nevertheless, they differ in the style of the speaker’s voice and usage of various images and symbols, which convey the theme of each poem. II. Body Paragraph- Introducing the voice in each poem a. â€Å"My Papa’s Waltz† i. Why does the author choose this speaker? ii. Discuss the voice; tie the voice to the theme. b. â€Å"Do Not Go Gentle into That Night† i. Why the author does choose this speaker? ii. Discuss the voice; tie the voice to the theme. III. Body Paragraph- Discuss images and symbols a. â€Å"My Papa’s Waltz† i. Usage of images and symbols ii. How are they appropriate to the theme and speaker? b. â€Å"Do Not Go Gentle into That Night† i. Usage of images and symbols ii. How are they appropriate to the theme and speaker? IV. Conclusion a. Restate the introduction b. Discuss each poem, while reiterating main points Critical Analysis of Poetry Poetry conveys special messages, but without understanding the voice of the speaker and the tone of the poem, it would be difficult to comprehend the poem to its entirety. The speaker narrates the reader through the poetry, but the tone of the speaker â€Å"describes the shaping of attitudes in poetry (Roberts 809).† The poems, â€Å"My Papa’s Waltz,† by Theodore Roethke, and â€Å"Do Not Go Gentle into That Good Night,† by Dylan Thomas, are both spoken by or refer to a male figure; nevertheless, they differ in the style of the speaker’s voice and usage of various images and symbols, which convey the theme of each poem. Although each poem refers to men as a subject, they both have a distinct voice. â€Å"My... Free Essays on My Papa's Waltz And Do Not Go Genle Into That Good Night Free Essays on My Papa's Waltz And Do Not Go Genle Into That Good Night Formal Outline- Critical Analysis of Poetry I. Introduction a. Poetry conveys special messages b. Discuss the speaker and tone c. THESIS STATEMENT: The poems, â€Å"My Papa’s Waltz,† by Theodore Roethke, and â€Å"Do Not Go Gentle into That Good Night,† by Dylan Thomas, are both spoken by or refer to a male figure; nevertheless, they differ in the style of the speaker’s voice and usage of various images and symbols, which convey the theme of each poem. II. Body Paragraph- Introducing the voice in each poem a. â€Å"My Papa’s Waltz† i. Why does the author choose this speaker? ii. Discuss the voice; tie the voice to the theme. b. â€Å"Do Not Go Gentle into That Night† i. Why the author does choose this speaker? ii. Discuss the voice; tie the voice to the theme. III. Body Paragraph- Discuss images and symbols a. â€Å"My Papa’s Waltz† i. Usage of images and symbols ii. How are they appropriate to the theme and speaker? b. â€Å"Do Not Go Gentle into That Night† i. Usage of images and symbols ii. How are they appropriate to the theme and speaker? IV. Conclusion a. Restate the introduction b. Discuss each poem, while reiterating main points Critical Analysis of Poetry Poetry conveys special messages, but without understanding the voice of the speaker and the tone of the poem, it would be difficult to comprehend the poem to its entirety. The speaker narrates the reader through the poetry, but the tone of the speaker â€Å"describes the shaping of attitudes in poetry (Roberts 809).† The poems, â€Å"My Papa’s Waltz,† by Theodore Roethke, and â€Å"Do Not Go Gentle into That Good Night,† by Dylan Thomas, are both spoken by or refer to a male figure; nevertheless, they differ in the style of the speaker’s voice and usage of various images and symbols, which convey the theme of each poem. Although each poem refers to men as a subject, they both have a distinct voice. â€Å"My...

Friday, November 22, 2019

The 39 Best Clubs to Start in High School

The 39 Best Clubs to Start in High School SAT / ACT Prep Online Guides and Tips Thinking about starting a club? It’s a great wayto meet people with similar interests, do an activity you enjoy,learn more about an activity you're interested in, and gain leadership experiencefor yourcollege application! But what aregood clubs to start in high school? In this article, I’ll give you a list of dozens ofclubs you canstart! Why Would YouWant to Start a Club? There are many good reasons to want to starta club. I mentioned some reasons above such as meeting new people, doing an activity you enjoy, and gaining leadership experience. However, another reason you maywant to start a club is if you have no opportunity at your schoolto pursue an interest you have. For example, you may have a passion for film, but your school may not offer any film classes or have any film clubs. If that's the case, start afilm club to pursue that passion! Even if your school has a class or club in your general area of interest, you may want to focus your attention on a more specific topic. For example, perhapsyour school offers an art course, but you're passionate about sculpture specifically. In that case, consider starting a sculpture club. List of Clubs to Start at Your High School Now that you know why you should start a club, what are some potential club ideas? I’ve sorted the clubs into tenmain categories:eight subject area clubs, hobby clubs, and charity clubs. Subject area clubs are clubs that come from an interest in a subject area taught in school. I've identified eightsubject area club categories: Art, Drama, Film, Science, Math, Literature, History, andLanguage. Hobby clubs are clubs that stem from an interest in a hobby that most likely wouldn’t be taught in high school (such as chess, anime, video games, and skiing). Charity clubs are clubs that are linked to a specific charity with the goal of raising awareness, working for that charity, or raising money for that charity (such as Operation Smile, Susan G. Komen Breast Cancer, and Becca’s Closet) NOTE: The category a particular club has been placed into is not important. I simply created these categories to organize this list. No one category is better than another. It’s best to create a club you’re passionate about no matter thecategory. Below, I'll give you club name ideas along with a few ideas for activities the club could do. When you start your club, you don't have to do all of these activities. You may want to do the simpler, smaller activities first before trying to plan one of the bigger activities (such as an international trip). Art Club Ideas Sculpture Club Analyze famous sculptures Work on your own sculptures Get feedback on your work from other club members Plan a trip to a local museum Plan a spring break trip to Florence, Italy to view sculptures in person Photography Club Analyze famous photographs Take group trips to picturesque spots to snap some photos Create a dark room where you develop photos Art History Club Members can present one of their favorite pieces of artforthe club to discuss Visit local museums Plan a club spring break trip to Paris to view art in person at the Louvre Art Review Magazine Start a magazine Review famous pieces of art Hold contests for student artwork to be published in the magazine Write reviews of local art shows Want to build the best possible college application? We can help. PrepScholar Admissions is the world's best admissions consulting service. We combine world-class admissions counselors with our data-driven, proprietary admissions strategies. We've overseen thousands of students get into their top choice schools, from state colleges to the Ivy League. We know what kinds of students colleges want to admit. We want to get you admitted to your dream schools. Learn more about PrepScholar Admissions to maximize your chance of getting in. Drama Club Ideas Shakespeare Club Each semester read a different Shakespeare play and put on a production of that play Plan a club spring break trip to Stratford-upon-Avon Hold a Shakespeare festival Host a contest for the best Shakespearean monologue or a writing contest for a Shakespearean sonnet Classics Club Each semester read and perform a new classics play Plan a club spring break trip to Italy and Greece to see where Classical writers lived Monologue Club Help students find classical and modern monologues they like Have students perform their monologue in front of the group Give them feedback and ideas on how to improve the monologue performance Perform all the monologues once per semester Comedy Sportz Club Host competitive improv games Split into different improvteams and hold a competition at the end of the semester or year Bring in judges who will score each team (similar to Whose Line Is It Anyway) Improv Club Teach club members improv (either by hiring an improv teacher or by reading a book like the Upright Citizens Brigade Comedy Improvisation Manual) Play improv games Put on improv performances onceper semester Film Club Ideas Foreign Film Club Watch a new foreign film at each meeting and discuss it Host a foreign film festival, encourage club members to create their own short foreign films Plan a club summer break trip to the Cannes film festival Screenwriting Club Read a famous screenplay every week Analyze why the screenplay was a success or failure Read a book about screenwriting (such as Save the Cat) Have each member pitch loglinesand develop outlines for a screenplay Give themfeedback, then read the screenplay drafts to the club Host a staged table reading of each member’s screenplay Directing Club Watch and analyze the works of famous directors (Hitchcock, Fellini, Spielberg, etc.) Hold a film festival for student’s short films Host a movie marathon fundraiser for charity 48-Hour Film Festival Club Organize a 48-hour film festival (over a weekend or schoolbreak) where teams are given a topic for a short film and then have 48 hours to write, shoot, and edit the film Screen the short films at a festival Science Club Ideas Future Scientists Club Bring in scientists to discuss their profession Plan a club trip to a local lab Discuss the latest scientific research at meetings, plan science fair projects, get feedback from other members on your science fair project Marine Biology Club Bring in marine biologists to discuss their profession Watch videos about interesting sea creatures Plan a club trip to a marine biology center Set up a volunteer beach clean-up (if you live near a beach) Hold a letter writing campaign or get signatures for the Save the Whales Foundation Future Medical Professionals Club Bring in doctors and nurses to discuss their professions Plan club volunteer activities at a hospital Set up job shadowing with a hospital for club members Host a toy drive foryour local children’s hospital Math Club Ideas Math Homework Club Host a free tutoring service for students who need math help Volunteer at middle schools to help kids with their math homework Pi Club Hold contests for who can memorize the most digits of Pi Hold a Pi day lecture on the concept of pi Hold a Pi day bake sale where you sell pies for charity Literature Club Ideas Literature Magazine Club Start a literature magazine Write reviews of newly published books Hold a contest to publish a student’s short story Creative Writing Club Members can present a piece of creative writing they wrote or enjoyed reading Givefeedback and advice on other members' writing Publish the best creative works in a magazine at the end of the year Book Club Assign a book each month for the club to read Meet and discuss that book the following month Hold a book donation drive for the local homeless shelter Foreign Book Club Enjoy reading books in translation? Consider starting a book club where each month the club reads a different translated book(try to read a book from a new country or continent each month) Meet and discuss that book the following month History Club Ideas WWII Club Discuss different aspects of WWII each week Bring in a WWII veteran to discuss their experience or a WWII historian to discuss their knowledge Plan a club spring break trip to Normandy, Paris, and Berlin to visit important WWII sites Host a WWII trivia contest where teams compete to see who has the most WWII knowledge Ancient History Club Discuss different ancient cultures at each meeting Bring in an Ancient History specialist to discuss their knowledge Plan a club spring break trip to Egypt, Rome, or Greece Host an ancient civilizations costume contest for Halloween Language Club Ideas French/Spanish/Chinese/Foreign Language Club Speak only in that foreign language at club meetings Host traditional cultural events for (i.e. Chinese New Year Party) Offer free tutoring to students who need help with that foreign language Plan a club trip to a country that speaks that foreign language Read a book written in that language each semester French/Spanish/Chinese/Foreign Cooking Club Speak only in that foreign language at club meetings Learn to cook a new dish from that culture Host dinner parties or trips to restaurants Hobby Club Ideas Anime Club Learn to speak some Japanese Read anime and discuss it as a group Watch anime tv shows and movies Plan a club trip to an anime convention Chess Club Host a chess competition between members Bring in chess masters to discuss chess strategy Watch famous chess movies and documentaries Video Games Club Host a video game competition Discuss the evolution of video game technology Bring in a person who works at a video game company to discuss possible careers in the video game world Skiing Club Plan a club trip to go skiing Watch skiing competitions together Bring in a professional skier to learn abouttheir experiences Democrats/Republicans/Independents Club Discuss new political events Volunteer for a campaign Host a public viewing of a political debate Plan a political rally Gather signatures of support for a bill Political Magazine Start a magazine to analyze campaigns Discuss important bills and political issues Interview local politicians Religion Club Start a club where people fromdifferent religious backgroundscan discuss their similarities and differences Each week a different person can present information they think other members may not know about their religion Bring in religious leaders (Imams, priests, rabbis, etc.) to discuss their jobs Adventure Club Plan weekly or monthly outdoor activities (hiking, biking, camping, fishing, etc.) Plan a club spring break camping trip toa National Park Volunteer to plant trees in a local park Bring in a conservationist to discuss their job Charity Club Ideas Operation Smile Club Host fundraisers to raise money for Operation Smile to provide free surgeries to children with a cleft lip Organize a walk to raise awareness for cleft lips Bring in (or Skype with) a child who received help from Operation Smile to talk about how the surgery changed their life Breast Cancer Awareness Club Help plan a walk to cure breast cancer in your area Host a school-wide fundraiser Bring breast cancer survivors in to talk about their experiences. Children’s Hospital Volunteer Club Organize volunteer opportunities at a local children’s hospital Host a book donation drive to collect books to donate to the children’s hospital Host a bake sale to raise money to donate to St. Jude Children’s Hospital Soup Kitchen Volunteer Club Organize volunteer opportunities for club members at a local soup kitchen Host a toiletry collection drive to donate to your local homeless shelter Host a food collection drive to donate to the soup kitchen Save Endangered Species Club Organize volunteer opportunities for club members at local animal shelters Host a fundraiser to donate money to theWWF Visit a wildlife rescue center Plan a club spring break trip to see endangered species in another country Want to build the best possible college application? We can help. PrepScholar Admissions is the world's best admissions consulting service. We combine world-class admissions counselors with our data-driven, proprietary admissions strategies. We've overseen thousands of students get into their top choice schools, from state colleges to the Ivy League. We know what kinds of students colleges want to admit. We want to get you admitted to your dream schools. Learn more about PrepScholar Admissions to maximize your chance of getting in. Top 3 Tips forStarting a Club Now that you have some ideas for clubs to start in high school, how do you go about actually getting one up and running? I’m going to give you my top three tips for starting a club, but for more details, including recommendationson brainstorming a club idea, registering the club with your school, running meetings, and more, check out our full explanation ofhow to start a club. Tip #1: Make Sure You Have the Time and Effort to Dedicate to Your Club When you start a club, you’re not only going to have the duties of President of that club (organizing meetings, delegating tasks, etc.), but you’re also going to be responsible for developing the club. You’ll need to figure out the rules and purpose of the club, recruit members, plan events, etc.You need to put in a lot of work to start an effective club that will continue running after you graduate. Tip #2:Start a Club That You’re Passionate About If you’re going to be spending all of this time starting a club, make sure itfocuses onsomething you enjoy!You need to be excited about the club in order to convince other people to join.If you don’t like your club, why would other people join? How canyou decide what type of club you would be passionate about? First,think about what you enjoy doing. What is your favorite class? What are your hobbies? Do you have a new skill you'd like to explore further? Is there a topic you'd like to learn more about? Is there a cause you care about?It's likely that one or more of your answers can be developed into aclub. Tip #3:Follow Through on Your Club Make sure to register your clubwith theschool. Next, plan the first meeting, and post fliers with the meeting date around your school to spread the word about yourclub.At your first meeting, discussthe purpose of the club, what major events you’d like to plan, and then hold an election for board members (president, treasurer, secretary, vice president). You're now well on your way to running a successful and interesting new club! What’s Next? Once you've decided on your club, how do you actually start it?Check out our step-by-step guide on the 8 steps to starting a club for everything you need to know! Interested in learning more about other potential extracurricular activities?Learn about Model UN and how to join your high school newspaper. Looking to get started on SAT/ACT preparation?Check out our ultimate SAT/ACT study guide schedule and plan! Want to improve your SAT score by 160 points or your ACT score by 4 points?We've written a guide for each test about the top 5 strategies you must be using to have a shot at improving your score. Download it for free now:

Thursday, November 21, 2019

Alternative working capital policy Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 750 words

Alternative working capital policy - Essay Example btain funding through this method is that EHC should have an average operating margin greater then 0% over the last three years along with a debt coverage ratio greater than 1.25x. the third option is to go for sourcing investment from private banks, which obviously come with a higher rate of interest (4.50%) compared to the other available options. Further, there is a difference in prepayment limitations in this case at 2% of the principal amount. The inflow from operating activities totaled nearly $50 million. However, the high operating expenses to the tune of $40 million means that EHC is left with a mere $497,000 in terms of net income. This is insufficient to fund the proposed expansion worth $75 million nor is it adequate to manage the related loan repayment increases in case the required funds are sourced from outside. The cash conversion cycle (CCC) will help determine the period up to which EHC will not be able to seek cash in case an increase in investment towards expansion is initiated in a bid to offer a wider range of services. CCC is this a measurement of the liquidity risk associated with any proposed initiative towards growth. Clearly, CCC is negative which means EHS is highly dependent on collecting cash from customers before paying suppliers and for the maintenance of equipment. Although this represents a strict policy of collections, this approach is not sustainable in the long run and the company will not be able to consider any expansion in this setup. Amongst the three options available, it is recommended to opt for low tax revenue bonds as it comes with a manageable rate of interest and moreover, such bonds come from governmental bodies, thereby having the least risk associated with them. the advantage of a revenue bond also arises from the fact that repayment is done solely from the revenues generated by the new expansion, which will facilitate easy book keeping and have the least influence on EHC’s management of existing

Tuesday, November 19, 2019

Should Children Be Taught Sex Education In School Essay

Should Children Be Taught Sex Education In School - Essay Example Children are curious about sex.† (Student health service, 2010). Sex education in schools becomes even more warranted in cases where parents do not have appropriate education and resources to guide their children. In addition to schools, both family and society also need to contribute to educating children on reproductive health and well being. It is the moral right of every child, especially girls, to be provided with sex education as it will help to prevent unwarranted pregnancies, sexually transmitted diseases and conditions such as suicide (On the need, 2010). With the rapid growth in information, the term sex is being often used in today’s world. Thus it has become a matter of importance to teach young children about the correct concepts regarding sexual matters before they become misled by inappropriate information provided by the media and other resources (Student health service, 2010). It is vital to begin sex education programs before children reach puberty and it should continue as long as children are able to make correct judgments about sexual practices (Sex education that works, n.d). Many people have argued against detailed sex education for children with the fear that they may negatively influence them. However, frightening people about sex and sexual practices have not helped them to understand the morality of sex.

Saturday, November 16, 2019

Green Golf Traingle Sri Lanka Essay Example for Free

Green Golf Traingle Sri Lanka Essay The world Tourism arrivals grew by 4.4 % in 2011 to a total of 980Mn up from 939 M in 2010. Among the regions Asia lead with 6.1 % growth. Sri Lanka did well with 32% growth in 2011 and country is expected to reach 2.5 million tourist arrival by year 2016. The Development policy framework of the Government namely ‘Mahinda Chintana’ is committed to a sustainable tourism development. The strategic commitments of six year Tourism Development Strategy Plan is aimed to fulfill its ambitious vision to grow tourism arrivals to 2.5 million with USD 2. 75 billion foreign exchange earnings by 2016. The plan further emphasize the priorities outlined for Sri Lanka Tourism business plan 2011-2012, including encouraging regional visitation, investment attraction and attracting golfers from emerging markets such as China and India. Golf involves directly with the tourism offering golfing facilities in Sri Lanka. It was introduced Sri Lanka in the later part of the 19th century by the British Planters. Though there are growing awareness for environmental protection and sustainability, most of the tourism industry products are still far from achieving these ‘green’ objective. Hence the proposal of Green Golf Triangle is to give an achievable practical target to boost the ongoing discussion of environment sustainability. The main economic benefit that will accrue through the project will be increase of foreign exchange while attracting up market quality tourist. In addition development of this nature are important for regional developments, since they create social mobility and open new opportunities for employment. Objectives Recognize and promote Sri Lanka as a â€Å"Green Golf† destination in which visitors can play golf on three high-quality, environmentally-responsible courses. With this proposed project, Sri Lanka will become the first country anywhere in the world to have all of its courses recognized as environmentally responsible. The primary objective is to create sustainable recreation facility where visitors could come and enjoy a game of golf set within nature which provided in beautiful environmental friendly and sustainable setting. In other word to develop a unique recreational products which will cater to high end ‘niche’ market segment of tourism. Followings are some of the specific objectives that could be achieved by maintaining Green Golf Practices. †¢ It’s the law to maintain the environment and have ethical business practices †¢ Better government relations †¢ Better community relations †¢ Save money on running costs †¢ Good media angle †¢ Way to stand out from other courses in the region which will enhances positioning of Golf Tourism in Sri Lanka †¢ Enhances ability to attract regional International Golf tournaments †¢ Reinforces corporate positioning as a responsible tourism †¢ Collateral activities can be developed – nature walks, bird watching Present Policy The government development policy regarding tourism development is to ensure that tourist and recreational developments are socially and environmentally acceptable, and that the developments meets the needs of tourists and contributes to the overall policy and objectives of Sri Lanka tourism. Followings are some of the aspects that apply to all tourist activities. †¢ An Environmental impact assessment should be carried out for all projects and environmentally harmful measures relating to development and maintenance avoided †¢ Water Supply of all tourist projects should be adequate and sources of supply should be sustainable †¢ Electricity All establishment should be adequate and reliable. Environmentally friendly alternative sources , particular solar energy are encouraged †¢ Surface water Drainage should be adequate to remove surface water and collection and re-use should be incorporated into the design and operation where ever possible The proposed project of ‘Green Golf Triangle’ is very much in line with above stated government policies and standards. Therefore obtaining required approval and clearance will be hazel free process. Planning aspects Sri Lanka has positioned itself as a ‘green’ and ‘eco† destination. It also successfully structures tourist itineraries as â€Å"cultural triangles†. Sri Lanka Cultural triangle covers an area which includes very important world heritage site of scared cities of Anuradhapura, Polonnaruwa and Kandy with Dambulla. The Cultural Triangle is visited by many pilgrims, both laymen and the clergy (prominently Buddhist), as well as by local and almost all foreign tourists to the country. In the same manner positioning of Green Golf Triangle should be developed and promoted.

Thursday, November 14, 2019

The Americas to 1500 Essay -- essays papers

THE AMERICAS TO 1500 I. Methodology in the History This period, which deals with the world the Indians knew before the arrival of European explorers, poses difficulties flowing mostly from the lack of the usual evidentiary foundation for doing history: written documents (for example, letters, speeches, treaties, constitutions, laws, books, newspapers, magazines, almanacs). This lack need not be a major obstacle to historical study, however. Indeed, one of the most important things we can accomplish in teaching this period is devising ways to give students a sense of the spectrum of methods that historians use to investigate and understand the past. We can give students a sense of the breadth and depth of the historian's task and the remarkable array of tools and techniques available to the historian to find out about the past. In seeking to understand the first human beings who settled North and South America either 15,000 or 40,000 years ago (the dates are a matter of vigorous historical dispute), historians use some or all of the following: archaeology (digs for artifacts, examinations of burial sites, close study of ancient constructions such as the cliff dwellings of the western United States, or the mounds left by the mound-builder peoples of the southeastern United States); comparative religion and folklore -- the study of creation myths, legends, and folktales told by Indian peoples; medicine -- tracing such biological factors as human bloodtypes to show how different peoples (the Aztec, the Comanche, the Seminole, the Kwakiutl) may well share a common ancestry, or studying the differing responses of Indian and European peoples to diseases to illustrate how contact between the cultures occasionally proved fatal to the indigenous culture; geology, climatology, and ecology -- to reconstruct the land as the Indians found it, to identify the ways they lived off the land and in harmony with it, and to provide a basis for comparison between Indian and European understandings of the relationship between human beings and t he natural world; linguistics -- to trace the origins and development of Indian languages and the genealogy of Indian language families; anthropology -- to identify shared cultural elements and cultural distinctions between Indian peoples; and even "conventional" techniques of history -- e.g., close interpretation of such histo... ..., and that technological insights such as the wheel are not inevitable.) Indian economies were shaped by their geography, climate, and ecology. As noted above, some Indian peoples were primarily hunters and grazers, while others were primarily agricultural, and still others possessed complex, sophisticated, and successful mixed economies that rivaled European economic systems. One last point: Again, all these areas remain controversial in the extreme, implicating as they do such disputes as whether Indian peoples are "primitive" and whether the concept of "primitive" is useful or even appropriate in analyzing a different people's culture and way of life. Further, as we see in essay II, a complicating factor in the study of the Americas before the arrival of European explorers and settlers is the idea -- widely circulated and discussed during the 500the anniversary of Columbus's arrival in the "New World" -- that the Europeans dispossessed the rightful inhabitants of these continents, and that all later American civilization and history, however notable and estimable its achievements and ideals, is based on a colossal series of acts of expropriation, fraud , and genocide.

Monday, November 11, 2019

The Return: Nightfall Chapter 31

Let us at least have the dignity of walking out of your trap on our own feet – or should I say, using your own key?Damon thought to Shinichi. To Elena, he said, â€Å"Yes, we're looking for what's-his-face. But you took a bad fall. I wish – I would like to ask you – that you stay here and recuperate whileI go look for him.† â€Å"You think you know where Matt is?† That was the entire sentence distilled for her. That was all she heard. â€Å"Yes.† â€Å"Can we gonow ?† â€Å"Won't you let me go alone?† â€Å"No,† Elena said simply. â€Å"I have to find him. I wouldn't sleep at all if you went out alone. Please, can't we go now?† Damon sighed. â€Å"All right. There were some† – (there will be now) – â€Å"clothes that will fit you in the closet. Jeans and things. I'll get them,† he said. â€Å"As long as I really, really can't convince you to lie down and rest while I look for him.† â€Å"I can make it,† Elena promised. â€Å"And if you go without me, I'll just jump out a window and follow you.† She was serious. He went and got the promised pile of clothes and then turned his back while Elena put on an identical version of the jeans and Pendleton shirt she had been wearing, whole and un-bloodstained. Then they left the house, Elena brushing her hair vigorously, but glancing back every step or so. â€Å"What are you doing?† Damon asked, just when he had decided to carry her. â€Å"Waiting for the house to disappear.† And when he gave her his bestwhat're you talking about? look, she said, â€Å"Armani jeans, just my size? La Perla camisoles, same? Pendleton shirts, two sizes too big, just like the one I was wearing? That place is either a warehouse or it's magic. My bet's on magic.† Damon picked her up as a way to shut her up, and walked to the passenger's door of the Ferrari. He wondered if they were in the real world now or in another of Shinichi's globes. â€Å"Did it disappear?† he asked. â€Å"Yup.† What a pity, he thought. He'd have liked to keep it. He could try to renegotiate the bargain with Shinichi, but there were other, more important things to think of. He gave Elena a slight squeeze, thinking, other,much, much more important things. In the car he made sure of three small facts. First, that click which his brain automatically registered as passenger buckled up really did mean that Elena had her seat buckle properly fastened. Second, that the doors were locked – fromhis master control. And third, that he drove quite slowly. He didn't think that anyone in Elena's shape would be throwing themselves out of cars again in the near future, but he wasn't taking any chances. He had no idea how long this spell was going to work. Elena must eventually come out of her amnesia. It was only logical, since he seemed to be, and he'd been awake much longer than she had. Pretty soon she would remember†¦what? That he'd taken her in the Ferrari against her will (bad but forgivable – he couldn't know she'd launch herself out)? That he'd been teasing Mike or Mitch or whoever and her in the clearing? He himself had a vague picture of this – or was it another dream. He wished he knew what the truth was. When wouldhe remember everything? He'd be in a much stronger bargaining position once he did. And it was hardly possible that Mac was getting hypothermia in a midsummer snowstorm even if he were still in that clearing right now. It was a chilly night, but the worst the boy could expect was a twinge of rheumatism when he was around eighty. The vital thing was that theydidn't find him. He might have some unpleasant truths to tell. Damon noticed Elena making the same gesture again. A touch to her throat, a grimace, a deep breath. â€Å"Are you carsick?† â€Å"No, I'm†¦Ã¢â‚¬  In the moonlight he could see her blush come and go; could sense her heat with detectors in his face. She flushed deeply. â€Å"I explained,† she said, â€Å"about feeling†¦too full. That's what it is now.† What was a vampire to do? Say,I'm sorry – I've given it up for Moonspire ? Say, I'm sorry – you'll hate me in the morning? Say,To hell with the morning; this seat reclines two inches ? But what if they got to the clearing and found that something really had happened to Mutt – Gnat – the boy? Damon would regret it for the rest of the remaining twenty seconds of his life. Elena would call battalions of sky spirits down on his head. Even if no one else believed in her, Damon did. He found himself saying, as smoothly as ever he'd spoken to a Page or a Damaris, â€Å"Will you trust me?† â€Å"What?† â€Å"Will you trust me for another fifteen or twenty minutes, to go to a certain place I think what's his name might be?†If he is – my bet is that you remember everything and you never want to see me again in your life – then you'll be spared a long search. If he isn't – and the car isn't either; it's my lucky day and Mutt wins the prize of a lifetime – and then we go on looking. Elena was watching him intently. â€Å"Damon, do youknow where Matt is?† â€Å"No.† Well, that was true enough. But she was a bright little trinket, a pretty little pink, and more than all that, she was clever†¦. Damon broke off his polyrhythmic contemplations on Elena's intelligence. Why was he thinking in poetry? Was he really going crazy? He'd wondered that before – hadn't he? Didn't it prove you weren't crazy if you wondered if you were? The truly insane never doubted their sanity, right? Right. Or did they? And surely all this talking to himself couldn't be good foranyone . Merda. â€Å"All right, then. I'll trust you.† Damon let out a breath he didn't need and headed the car toward the clearing. It was one of the more exciting gambles of his life. On one hand, therewas his life – Elena would find some way or other of killing him if he'd killed Mark, he was certain. And on the other hand†¦a taste of paradise. With a willing Elena, an eager Elena, an open Elena†¦he swallowed. He found himself doing the thing closest to praying that he'd done in half a millennium. As they rounded the corner on the road to the little lane, he kept himself in hyper-alertness, the engine a bare hum, the night air bringing all kinds of information to vampire senses. He was thoroughly aware that an ambush could have been set up for him. But the lane was deserted. And as he suddenly hit the accelerator to reveal the little clearing, he found it blessedly, bleakly, blankly empty of either cars or of college-aged young men whose names started with â€Å"M.† He relaxed against the seatback. Elena had been watching him. â€Å"You thought he might be here.† â€Å"Yes.† And now was the time for the real question. Without asking her this, the whole thing was a sham, a fraud. â€Å"Doyou remember this place?† She glanced around. â€Å"No. Should I?† Damon smiled. But he took the precaution of driving on up another three hundred yards, into a different clearing, just in case she should have a sudden attack of memory. â€Å"There were malach in the other clearing,† he explained easily. â€Å"This one is guaranteed monster-free.† Oh, what a liar, I am, I am, he rejoiced. Have I still got it or what? He'd been†¦disturbed ever since Elena had come back from the Other Side. But if that first night it had discomfited him into literally giving her the shirt off his back – well, there were still no words for how he'd felt when she'd stood before him newly returned from the afterlife, her skin glowing in the dark clearing, naked without shame or the concept of shame. And during her massage, where veins traced out lines of blue comet fire against an inverse sky. Damon was feeling something he hadn't felt for five hundred years. He was feeling desire. Human desire. Vampires didn't feel that. It was all sublimated into the need for the blood, always the blood†¦. But he was feeling it. He knew why, too. Elena's aura. Elena's blood. She'd brought back with her something more substantial than wings. And while the wings had faded, this new talent seemed to be permanent. He realized that it was a very long time since he'd felt this, and that therefore he might be quite wrong. But he didn't think so. He thought that Elena's aura would make the most fossilized of vampires stand up and blossom into virile young men once again. He leaned away as far as the crowded confines of the Ferrari would allow. â€Å"Elena, there's something I should tell you.† â€Å"About Matt?† She gave him a straightforward, intelligent glance. â€Å"Nat? No, no. It's about you. I know you were surprised that Stefan would leave you in the care of somebody likeme .† There was no room for privacy in the Ferrari and he was sharing her body warmth already. â€Å"Yes, I was,† she said simply. â€Å"Well, it may have something to do with – â€Å" â€Å"It may have had something to do with how we decided that my aura would give even old vampires the jigsies. From now on, I'll need strong protection because of that, Stefan said.† Damon didn't know what the jigsies were, but he was prepared to bless them for getting a delicate point across to a lady. â€Å"I think,† he said carefully, â€Å"that of all things, Stefan would want you to have protection from the evil folk drawn here from all over the globe, and above all other things that you not be forced to – to, um, jigsy – if it was not your wish.† â€Å"And now he'sleft me – like a selfish, stupid, idealistic idiot, considering all the people in the world who might want to jigsy me.† â€Å"I agree,† Damon said, careful of keeping the lie of Stefan's willing departure intact. â€Å"And I've already promised what protection I can offer. I really will do my best, Elena, to see that no one gets near you.† â€Å"Yes,† said Elena, â€Å"but then something like this† – she made a little gesture probably to indicate Shinichi and all the problems brought about by his arrival – â€Å"comes up and nobody knows how to deal with it.† â€Å"True,† said Damon. He had to keep shaking himself and reminding himself of his real purpose here. He was here to†¦well, he wasn't on St. Stefan's side. And the thing was, it was easy enough†¦. There she was, brushing her hair out†¦a fair pretty maiden sat brushing her hair out†¦the sun in the sky was nonesuch so gold†¦. Damon shook himselfhard . Since when had he gotten into ye Olde English folksongs? What waswrong with him? To have something to say, he asked, â€Å"How are you feeling?† – just, as it happened, as she lifted her hand to her throat. She grimaced. â€Å"Not bad.† And that made them look at each other. And then Elena smiled and he had to smile back, at first just a quirk of the lip, and then a full smile. She was†¦damn it, she waseverything . Witty, enchanting, brave, smart†¦and beautiful. And he knew that his eyes were saying all that and that she wasn't turning away. â€Å"We might – take a little walk,† he said, and bells rang and trumpets played fanfares, and confetti came raining down and there was a release of doves†¦. In other words, she said, â€Å"All right.† They picked a little path off the clearing that looked easy to Damon's night-acquainted vampire eyes. Damon didn't want her on her feet too much. He knew that she still hurt and that she didn't want him to know it or to pamper her. Something inside him said, â€Å"Well, then, wait until she says she's tired and help her to sit down.† And something else beyond his control, sprang out at the first little hesitation of her foot, and he picked her up, apologizing in a dozen different languages, and generally acting the fool until he had her seated on a comfortably carved wooden bench with a back to it and a very light traveling blanket over her knees. He kept adding, â€Å"You'll tell me if there's something – anything – else you want?† He accidentally sent to her a snippet of his thoughts of possible contenders, which were, a glass of water, him sitting beside her, and a baby elephant, which he had earlier seen in her mind that she admired very much. â€Å"I'm very sorry, but I don't think I do elephants,† he said, on his knees, making the footstool more comfortable for her, when he caught a random thought of hers: that he was not so different from Stefan as he seemed. No other name could have caused him to do what he did then. No other word, or concept, could have such effect on him. In an instant the blanket was off, the footstool had disappeared, and he was holding Elena bent backward with the slender column of her neck fully exposed to him. The difference,he told her,between me and my brother is that he is still hoping somehow to slip in through some side door into heaven. I'm not such a moaning ninny about my fate. I know where I'm going.And I don't – he gave her a smile with all canines fully extended – give a damn about it. Her eyes were wide – he'd startled her. And startled her into an unintentional, thoroughly honest response. Her thoughts were projected toward him, easy to read.I know – and, I'm like that, too. I want what I want. I'm not as good as Stefan. And I don't know – He was enthralled.What don't you know, sweetheart? She just shook her head, eyes shut. To break the deadlock, he whispered into her ear, â€Å"What about this, then: Say I'm bold And say I'm bad Say – you vanities – I'm vainer. But you Erinyes, just add I kissed Elena.† Her eyes flew open. â€Å"Oh, no! Please, Damon.† She was whispering. â€Å"Please! Please not now!† And she swallowed miserably. â€Å"Besides, you asked me if I'd like a drink, and then suddenly it's no drink. I wouldn't mindbeing a drink if you'd like, but first, I'mso thirsty – as thirsty as you are, maybe?† She did the little tap-tap-tap under her chin again. Damon's insides melted. He held out his hand and it closed around the stem of a delicate crystal glass. He swirled the splash of liquid in it expertly, tested it for bouquet – ah, exquisite – then gently rolled it on his tongue. It was the real thing.Black Magic wine,grown from Clarion Loess Black Magic grapes. It was the only wine most vampires would drink – and there were apocryphal stories of how it had kept them on their feet when their other thirst could not be assuaged. Elena was drinking hers, her blue eyes wide above the deep violet of the wine as he told her some of its story. He loved to watch her when she was like this – investigating with all her senses fully aroused. He shut his eyes and remembered some choice moments from the past. Then he opened them again to find Elena, looking very much the thirsty child, eagerly gulping down – â€Å"Yoursecond glass†¦?† He'd discovered the first goblet at her feet. â€Å"Elena, where did you get another one?† â€Å"I just did what you did. Held out my hand. It's not as if it were hard liquor, is it? It tastes like grape juice, and I was dying for a drink.† Could she really be that naive? True, Black Magic wine didn't have the sharp odor or taste of most alcohol. It was subtle, created for the fastidious vampire palate. Damon knew that the grapes were grown in the soil, loess, that a grinding glacier leaves behind. Of course, that process was only for the long-lived vampires, as it took ages to build up enough loess. And when the soil was ready, the grapes were grown and processed, from graft to foot-stomped pulp in ironwood vats, without ever seeing the sun. That was what gave it its black velvet, dark, delicate taste. And now†¦ Elena had a â€Å"grape juice† mustache. Damon wanted very much to kiss it away. â€Å"Well, someday you can tell people you drank two glasses of Black Magic in under a minute, and impress them,† he said. But she was doing the tap-tap-tapping again under her chin. â€Å"Elena, do you want to have some of your blood drawn?† â€Å"Yes!† She said it in the ringing-bell tones of someone who has finally been asked the right question. She was drunk. She flung both arms backward, draping them against the bench, which conformed to accept her body's every new motion. It had become a black suede couch with a high back: a divan, and just now, Elena's slender neck was resting on the highest point of that back, her throat exposed to the air. Damon turned away with a little moan. He wanted to get Elena to civilization. He was worried about her health, mildly concerned about†¦Mutt's; and now†¦he couldn't haveanything he wanted. He could hardly bleed her when she was drunk. Elena made a different sort of sound that might have been his name. â€Å"D'm'n?† she mumbled. Her eyes had filled with tears. Just about anything that a nurse might have to do for a patient, Damon had done for Elena. But it seemed she didn't want to unswallow two glasses of Black Magic in front of him. â€Å" ¡Ã‚ ®M'shick,† Elena got out, with a dangerous hiccup at the end. She gripped Damon's wrist. â€Å"Yes, this is not the kind of wine to guzzle. Wait, just sit up straight and let me try†¦Ã¢â‚¬  And maybe because he said the words without thinking, without thinking of being rude, without thinking of manipulating her one way or another, it was all right. Elena obeyed him and he put two fingers on either side of her temples and pressed slightly. For a split second there was a near disaster, and then Elena was breathing slowly and calmly. She was still affected by the wine, but she wasn't drunk any longer. And the time was now. He had to tell her the truth at last. But first, he needed to wake up. â€Å"A triple espresso, please,† he said, holding out his hand. It appeared instantly, aromatic and black as his soul. â€Å"Shinichi says espresso alone is an excuse for the human race.† â€Å"Whoever Shinichi is, I agree with him or her. A triple espresso, please,† Elena said to the magic that was this forest, this snowflake globe, this universe. Nothing happened. â€Å"Maybe it's only attuned to my voice right now,† Damon said, flashing her a reassuring smile, and then he fetched her espresso with a wave. To his surprise, Elena was frowning. â€Å"You said  ¡Ã‚ ®Shinichi.' Who's that? Damon wanted nothing less than for Elena to get involved with the kitsune, but if he was really going to tell all she was going to have to. â€Å"He's akitsune , a fox spirit,† he said. â€Å"And the person who gave me that Web address that sent Stefan running.† Elena's expression froze over. â€Å"Actually,† Damon said, â€Å"I find that I would rather get you home before taking the next step.† Elena lifted exasperated eyes to the sky, but let him pick her up and carry her back to the car. He had just realized where the best place to tell her was. It was just as well that they didn't urgently need to get to any place that was out of the Old Wood right now. They didn't find any road that did not lead to dead ends, little clearings, or trees. Elena seemed so unsurprised at finding the little lane that led to their small but perfectly appointed house that he said nothing as they entered and he took new inventory of what they had. They had one bedroom with one large, luxurious bed. They had a kitchen. And a living area. But any of these rooms could become any kind of room you chose simply by thinking of it before opening the door. Moreover, there were the keys – left behind by what Damon was realizing was a seriously shaken Shinichi – that allowed the doors to do more. Insert a key in a door and announce what you wanted and there you were – even, it seemed, if it should be outside Shinichi's territory in spacetime. In other words, theyseemed to link to the real outside world, but Damon wasn't entirely sure about that.Was it the real world or just another of Shinichi's play-traps? What they had right now was a long spiraling stairway to an open-air observatory with a widow's walk around it, just like the roof of the boardinghouse. There was even a room just like Stefan's, Damon noted as he carried Elena up the stairs. â€Å"We're going all the way up?† Elena sounded bewildered. â€Å"All the way.† â€Å"And what are wedoing up here?† Elena asked, when he had her settled in a chair with a footstool and a light blanket on the roof. Damon sat down on a rocker, rocking a little, his arms wrapped around one knee, his face tilted to the clouded sky. He rocked once more, stopped, and turned to face her. â€Å"I suppose we're here,† he said, in the light self-mocking tone that meant he was very serious, â€Å"so that I can tell you the truth, the whole truth, and nothing but the truth.†

Saturday, November 9, 2019

Analysis of graphs and data Essay

After conducting some research I have found that 67% of heathers target market would buy their jewellery from a shop this is because people feel more comfortable with actually being able to see what they are buying instead of an image on a website which could have been manipulated to appear more attractive. One disadvantage of using a shop would be that it is difficult to see all the jewellery and can be tiring. The remaining 33% said that they would purchase their jewellery online because it is often cheaper, easier to browse and offers a wider range of goods than that of a shop. We have to remember that heathers target market is the teenage fashion market and if they are purchasing the jewellery themselves they will not be able to buy online because they would not have a credit card. My research showed that buying jewellery from a market stall is very un-popular I think this is because people feel there is a lack of quality from products sold on market stalls. One advantage of distributing through a market stall is that people would already expect budget priced jewellery and would be in the correct place for your target market to find it. However going for a market stall would not be a good idea as the primary research has shown there will be very little customers. The results of my questionnaire have shown that most people spend about i 21-i 30 when shopping for jewellery therefore we know that our jewellery should be priced in and below this class interval. Larger jewellery stores operate their business through shops and open more branches in different areas as their business develops. If you look at the major names in the jewellery market such as Argos, H. samuels and Goldsmiths you will see that they all use both the internet and a shop. Most large jewellery stores use distribution method 2 which is producer-retailer-consumer. Low budget shops also use this method. However, larger stores also use distribution method 1 which is producer-consumer using there websites however lower budget stores are not popular enough to make a lot of money online so just use distribution methods 2 and 3.

Thursday, November 7, 2019

Hitler-His rise to power essays

Hitler-His rise to power essays A putsch is an illegal overthrow of government by using the force of violence. Hitler attempted a putsch in Munich, 1923. I believe that Hitler chose to carry out the putsch in Munich because it was in Bavaria. The people in Bavaria were most likely to think like Hitler as they were right-wing nationalists and against democracy. Most of the Bavarians were Catholics and didnt like Protestants in Berlin and were against the Berlin government, against Weimar. Also Bavaria had a history of separatism. Another thing that Bavaria and Hitler had in common was anti-Semitism. Hitler preached anti-Semitism. Hitler lived in Munich. He had done a lot of work to build up the Nazi Party there so it was easier for him to organize a putsch in this city. Hitler had not only chosen the right place but also the right time to try a coup detat. During 1923 there was hyperinflation in Germany and money was worth almost nothing. The French had invaded the Ruhr, as Germany had not paid their reparations. Stresseman had called off passive resistance against the French in the Ruhr so Germany was at its weakest. Hitler also knew that a year earlier Mussolini had conducted The March on Rome and it worked. He was Hitlers hero and he believed that he could do what Mussolini did. Five years before Mussolini, Lenin had a successful revolution in Russia, this also encouraged Hitler to take over by force. For these reasons, Hitler decided to attempt his revolution by starting in Munich in 1923, with the intent of turning it into a national revolution. Hitler entered a Munich beer-hall on November 9, 1923 calling for a revolution against the Weimar Republic by his Nazi followers. Encouraged by his stirring speech, the Storm troopers followed Hitler along with General Ludendorff towards the city centre to overthrow the government. However, when faced with the o ...

Tuesday, November 5, 2019

Rainbow Fire Halloween Jack-o-Lantern

Rainbow Fire Halloween Jack-o-Lantern Create a spectacular multicolored fire pumpkin for Halloween! This rainbow fire jack-o-lantern is easy to make.   Rainbow Fire Pumpkin Materials You only need a few basic materials for this project. The hand sanitizer contains alcohol, which is flammable, but self-extinguishes due to the water in the product. The boric acid or borax provides additional color to the flames. Carved Halloween jack-o-lantern (use a real pumpkin - plastic will melt!)Hand sanitizerBoric acid or borax What You Do Smear hand sanitizer all over the outside and inside of the jack-o-lantern.Dust the pumpkin with boric acid or borax. You dont need very much to achieve a nice colored effect. Just a light sprinkling will suffice,Ignite the jack-o-lantern.The flame goes out on its own fairly quickly as the alcohol in the hand sanitizer gets used up, leaving you with water. How It Works Boric acid or borax (either works) emit a green light when heated in a flame. The jack-o-lantern gives off a multicolored fire because you have the natural blue of the alcohol flame from the hand sanitizer, the green from the boric acid, orange light coming through the carved pumpkin, plus other colors from where the pumpkin juice mixes with the flame. The pumpkin flesh contains sodium, which imparts a yellow color to the fire. Tips and Safety You dont have to use boric acid or borax. Try other flame colorants for a different color blend.This is a fire project, so adult supervision is required.Be sure to perform this project on a fire-safe surface.You can extinguish the flame at any time by blowing it out.

Saturday, November 2, 2019

Management and Leadership Paper Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 250 words

Management and Leadership Paper - Essay Example The preceding statement in essence implies that managers are task oriented as opposed to leaders who are goal oriented. Another noteworthy difference is that managers believe in directing employees to get the work done while leaders believe in getting the work done by way of inspiring and empowering team members. To summarize it can be rightly said that managers are efficient whilst leaders are effective (Bertocci & Bertocci, 2009, p.9-11). Therefore cultivating leadership skills in managers will eventually lead managers becoming effective along with being efficient and the manager will ultimately have an edge as they will be able to foresee things and become long term planners. Once the manager acquires leadership skills he can help employees identify and set clear goals for better performance in the job. Manager can implement policies while a manager who has got leadership skills is able to not only implement but also frame policies for betterment of the team members in particular and the company in